TEDTalks, view and comment on your blog about your reactions and what you learned from them.

I learned a plethora of things from the TED Talks.  According to Dr. Joseph, "Self Confidence is the ability or belief to believe in yourself to accomplish any task no matter the odds, adversity, and difficulty".  Repetition and persistence is the easiest way to gain confidence.  Self-talk is important and we need to remind our self about positive things about our self. We all have negative self- talk and there is enough people telling us that we can not achieve something, so why do we want to tell our self that?  Get away from people that will tear you down.  "Nobody will believe in you unless you do".

Power of Seduction
Seduction can be brought to everyday life and everyone has the power to seduce in them. The word seduction has been sexualized and it is hard to imagine it as a powerful skill set.  Seduction is about charm, connection, self-confidence, and appeal.  According to Chen Lizra, Seduction is like a formula: (1) Desire means to know what you want and have the willingness to go after it. (2) Confidence is essential for seduction, without it you can not go after what you want. (3) Body Language communicates to the other person what you want. (4) Arousal is waking up in them the desire of what you want and luring it out. Seduction is not a science, but an art and it comes from the heart. Fearless of failure is what seduction is! Seduction is a valuable life skill. It leads to self-confidence and self confidence leads to success in all areas of your life.

Body Language
Your body language shapes who you are. Animals and humans share the same body language when communicating. For example, when proud and happy, the body language is wide. When the emotion is sad, the body is more closed in. Our bodies change our minds and our minds change our bodies. Our minds change our behavior and our behavior changes our outcome. According to Amy Cuddy, "Our nonverbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves". Do not fake it til' you make it, but fake it til" you become it.

Darice Collier

Blog about your experience and what you learned about social workers on the Internet.  For example, did you know that social workers were practicing over the Internet?  Did you know that a lot of social workers had websites?  WOW! Now you are among the professionals with websites!

I learned many things about what are the different topics that social workers have researched and what they can do! There was a wide range of different areas of social work practice that the social workers contributed to.  I plan to work with adolescents, but there are many other areas that I also learned about in the field.  I know there are many job opportunities in the field of social work and I am happy that I learned a plethora of important areas. This was not my first time looking at the profiles of different professors/social workers from the Wayne State University School of Social Work. I did not know that there are social workers that practice over the internet, but it only make sense due to technology being advanced and playing a big role in many occupations. I also did not know that a lot of social workers have websites.

Darice Collier

Review 5 different classmates Website Benchmark Assignments and send comments to students.

Bryan Day- Mental Health
Deidre Crosby-Davis- Immigration
Candace Jones- Gun Control
Heather Warczinsky- Domestic Violence
Justina Reed- Anti-Bullying