Professional Licensing and Exam Preparation

Things Learned:
1. Being a credentialed social worker makes all the difference.

2. Social workers who want recognition for their professional achievements and who want to unlock new career paths go to NASW for their credentials.

3. When social work was developing as a profession, licensure was not established in all states in the U.S.  All 50 states regulate licensure, many social workers still take advantage of the NASW credentials as a way of professional identification.

4.  As a social worker, you should obtain licensure. It is the law and it identifies your level of education and social work experience for the public.

5. The Association of Social Work Boards is the organization that produces the required licensure examinations for 49 states. California contracts with a different vendor.

The information that I learned will be helpful to know as a social worker because there are requirements needed to be a licensed and credited social worker.  It is the law for a social worker to obtain licensure and it is a process to receive it.  It is good to be aware of how to become a credited social worker and the requirements.

Sample Test

I chose this site because it is a good sample test and it is a credited. The questions are from the social work examination services. You will be able to find out why you should use their programs, home study programs for the test, and different online resources they offer.

Classmates Blogs I Commented On

Kristina Djordjevski
Janice Hanna
Sharron Yoshonis

Darice Collier
List of 5 Classmates Benchmark Assignments I Reviewed and Commented

Daleeda Makki- Gender Discrimination
Keaton Bumgardner- Same-Sex Marriage
Kristina Djordjevski- Immigration Reform
La Tanya Mixon- Adult Illiteracy
Michelle Hill- Mental Health

I relearned many things while taking the quizzes based upon chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8. I also learned many other things while taking the quizzes. Many of the questions were a review from the material that I read from the text. While taking the quiz I felt at ease due to it being my second experience taking the quizzes. The first time I took the quizzes I experienced some anxiety and I was happy that I did not experience it this time. The first few quizzes we took from chapter 1, 2, and 4 were true and false questions, but this time we had multiple choice questions for chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8. The only concern I had before taking the test was the fact that it was multiple choice and I did not to know what to expect.  I thought the true and false questions were better than the multiple choice questions. I located my answers by guessing what I was not sure about and using my critical thinking skills.While taking the test I found myself second guessing on my answers a lot, which made me get some of my answers wrong. My goal was to get a 100% on all my quizzes, so for each quiz I took them twice. I received a 70% or better for each quiz then I would study the questions I got wrong and when I took the quiz the second time I would get a 100%.

Darice Collier
I watch some of the news channels sometimes, but not on a regular like I should. It is good to watch the news to be aware and knowledgeable of what is occurring. I watched Fox 2 News for a while and learned about many sad events happening in Detroit. It can sometimes be depressing to watch the news channel because some of the current events are tragedies. I was very saddened to learn about the murder of Tiane Brown, a Wayne State University law student. She was missing for a couple days and the police found her body in her vehicle near the Packard Plant located on the eastside of Detroit. She was 33 years old with three young daughters. She had a master's in biomedical engineering, a master's in business administration, and a job in patent law. She was going to graduate from Wayne State with her law degree next semester.

After reading, "A Guide to Detroit's Chapter 9 Default And How Bankruptcy Could Change the City", I was shocked. I can not believe that Detroit is in debt of 18 billion dollars and that there is more than likely a chance of nobody paying the city back. Detroit has roughly about 100,000 thousand creditors. The plan of 10 years worth of improvements will affect residents, businesses, neighborhoods, and visitors. It is really heartbreaking that Detroit had to file for bankruptcy and the consequences that come along with it.

Darice Collier